Savater said to have so much fun with terrorism and controversy erupts because a bunch of idiots you think of the indecency of thinking that says Savater has been so much fun with terrorism. Spain is a country of chiefs but to be, they would say, in what is largely a country of people who take chief. The same people who are seduced by the words without substance, they are sold in exchange for rhetoric, empty gestures and slogans of the lineup, are outraged by impossible shapes that exist only in his troubled imagination and of those who see no beyond veil that imposes the pride of his ignorance.
In the debate between Arcadi Espada y Javier Cercas, and take away some brothels there, I can only say a piece of The history of Christianity , Paul Johnson: "The priests were supposed to be descendants of the tribe of Aaron, the servants of the temple of the tribe of Levi, the kings and rulers of the tribe of David. These rules were not always observed, and the precise nature of inheritance was the subject of conjecture, imagination or outright fraud. But always provoked gross violations often led to hostility and violence and schism, which lasted several generations. "
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